Your Complete Speaker Bio. In One Place.

Showcase your speaking expertise, increase your visibility and connect with event organizers and speaking opportunities worldwide.

Thousands Of Speakers Worldwide Use The Speaker Handbook To Share Their Profile

When you join The Speaker Handbook, you will be in good company. Used by many of the world’s leading speakers, our directory is visited by event planners and corporate conference organisers from all over the world.


Everything Event Planners And Speaker Bureaus Need to Know About You, in One Place

Create your speaker profile in less than 10 minutes to present who you are, what you speak about and what you do, all on a single page.

Create in minutes. Update any time.

Update and edit your speaker profile quickly and easily. Add or remove videos, testimonials, topics, talks and more.

Downloadable PDF

Visitors to your profile page can quickly download a PDF of your speaker profile with a single click!

Add unlimited videos

Add unlimited YouTube or Vimeo videos to your profile, including showreels, previous keynotes and even short vlogs.

Add client testimonials

Showcase all the great things that people have said about you!

List Your Books

Are you an author? Display all your published works and link them to Amazon or your own website to boost sales.

Do you offer specific talks?

List all your titled talks with a description of what you cover and key audience takeaways.

Link to all your stuff

Add links to your websites, LinkedIn, social media and author profiles.

Choose your topics and themes

Select the topics that you speak on from our list of more than 200 trending themes.

Available for more than just keynotes?

Choose from 20+ types of engagement to display exactly the type of work you are available for.

Offer programmes and workshops?

No problem! You can add an unlimited number of workshops and programmes you offer to your profile as well!


Get listed in the Directory

The Speaker Handbook is a global, searchable directory of professional speakers. Used by event planners, corporations and speaker bureaus as the go-to source for professional keynote and conference speaker data. To appear in the directory, upgrade to a Pro Speaker membership after you have registered your free account below.

Receive direct enquiries

Allow prospective clients to contact you directly from your speaker profile with a personalised contact form. Choose to receive all enquiries yourself or have them sent directly to a colleague or your preferred agent.

Get Your Free Speaker Profile

Use the form below to register and set up your speaking profile, free forever.

Upgrade to a Pro Speaker membership at any time to add your profile to our directory and receive enquiries directly from corporate event planners, conference organizers and speaker bureaus worldwide.

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  • Must be at least 8 characters. Minimum length of 8 characters.
  • Your chosen plan

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