How to find the best speaker for your event

With our global Speaker Directory, you can browse hundreds of professional speakers from around the world. Search or filter our entire database by:

Enhance your search with a free Organizer account

With your free Organizer account, you will gain access to:

Please note: It is at the speaker’s discretion or that of their representative agent or bureau as to whether or not to provide contact details, fees and other sensitive information in their profile. If you don’t see the information you are looking for, we recommend contacting the speaker directly.

Get your free Organizer account

Because of the sensitivity of the information available with an Organizer account, we only offer them to Event Professionals and senior executives who organize corporate events, training and workshops.

This means that we need to verify your identity before you can access your Organizer account. Our verification process is quick and painless and normally takes less than 24 hours for your account to be up and running.

To get your free Organizer account, complete the form below, then check your inbox for a verification email.

  • Your work or business email.
  • Must be at least 8 characters. Minimum length of 8 characters.
  • Your chosen plan

    warningWARNING!You will be able to complete the payment once you have confirmed your email address.

  • Your Purchase

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