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Phil Olley

Inspirational & Business Speaker on Leadership, Performance and Overcoming Adversity – Author of Nexus Code


Gender: Male
Languages: English
Travels from: United Kingdom

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Biography Highlights

  • Phil Olley is a sought-after inspirational speaker and international author, who works with companies and individuals throughout the world to help them dramatically enhance performance, improve results, and achieve their goals.


About Phil Olley

Having had an exciting military career, Phil entered business in 1990. His experience of leadership in the military coupled with his ‘business baptism’ in sales, and a passion about how to overcome adversity, ensure his speeches are packed with real-life examples, delivered with creativity and clarity.

Author of 3 books (currently working on his fourth), Phil is no stranger to the media. He has written articles and columns for many magazines, has appeared on prime-time TV a number of times, and regularly features on BBC radio.

Over twenty plus years, Phil has distilled the ingredients of success into The NEXUS Code, a suite of practical concepts and tools he uses with individuals, teams and businesses, to create breakthroughs in results whilst at the same time increasing personal and professional fulfilment.

The Nexus Code

A vast number of myths have grown up in the field of personal development, peak performance, and success. And because these myths sound as if they might work, because they seem as if they ought to work, people often unwittingly stick with them, even when they don’t work!

Over the past 20+ years, Phil has created a coded action plan for success, utilising a suite of psychological focus techniques, professional action tools, and goal-getting strategies that allow anyone, from any walk of life, any field of endeavour, to achieve better results and reach their goals.
The NEXUS Code is a simple, practical system to help you make any change you want.

The Nexus Code will help you –

  • Elevate your life, your business, your career.
  • Improve results in all areas of life… business results, sales results, health, relationships, finances, happiness.
  • Remove stress, anxiety, hassle, frustration, and get you “out of the quagmire.”
  • Gain confidence – the power to unleash the real YOU.

His powerful message has his audiences fully engaged and his assured style creates a lasting connection.


Popular Talks

For teams, businesses, and individuals, achieving goals is the number one success skill. Yet, so many people struggle to make the real breakthroughs they want, or to sustain the initial enthusiasm when a goal is set.

Faced with a daily “quagmire” of emails, meetings, urgent crises, and other “reactive stuff”, weeks can go by without the real objectives getting the full attention they need.

In this challenging, engaging, and creative session, Phil delivers the key principles that high-performing teams, and individuals, use to shift from “quagmire” to “success zone.”

What you will learn as a result of this session:

  • Why most traditional goal setting methods limit performance and results, and what to do about it.
  • How to translate goals into immediate breakthroughs.
  • How to maximise performance, enhance results, and create a culture of achievement in turbulent times.

The aim is that delegates not only feel inspired and motivated by a fresh perspective, but that they leave with a suite of practical, and immediately usable tools to improve results and generate outstanding success.

Available: Virtually

As the world gets faster, and the challenges become greater, the demands on teams and individuals spiral ever upwards. Great leadership is not an option… it’s essential.

In this entertaining, engaging and creative session, Phil delivers the key stages that highly-successful teams go through to achieve a supportive ethos, a culture of achievement, and outstanding results.

What you will learn as a result of this session:

  • Why there have to be four “I’s” in TEAM.
  • How to cultivate the success mindset in your team.
  • The fundamental principle on which all great leadership stands, and how to apply it, every day.

In the current climate, adopting these principles will make people wish they were in your team!

The aim is that delegates not only feel inspired and motivated by a fresh perspective, but that they leave with a suite of practical, and immediately usable tools to improve results and generate outstanding success.

Available: Virtually

As the world gets faster, and the challenges become greater, the demands on teams and individuals spiral ever upwards.

As someone who has faced considerable adversity, in this entertaining, engaging and creative session, Phil delivers the key principles that highly-successful individuals, teams and businesses use to achieve outstanding results and reach their goals, regardless of circumstances and external conditions. And at a time when motivation might be low, it’s not a question of just digging deep, or dredging the bottom of a barrel for more enthusiasm.

What you will learn as a result of this session:

  • How to Transform your results, no matter what.
  • How to shift from the reactive mindset to the proactive.
  • How to exert more ‘control’ than you ever thought possible.

The aim is that delegates not only feel inspired and motivated by a fresh perspective, but that they leave with a suite of practical, and immediately usable tools to improve results and generate outstanding success.

Available: Virtually

It might be that a team has just hit rock bottom, or that results are just not happening, or that the pressures are just greater than ever before, and teams and individuals are feeling the strain and ready to buckle.

As the world gets faster, and the challenges become greater, the demands on teams and individuals spiral ever upwards.

At a time when motivation might be low, it’s not a question of just digging deep, or dredging the bottom of a barrel for more enthusiasm.

As someone who has faced considerable adversity, in this engaging and creative session, Phil delivers the key principles that he learned about how highly-successful individuals, teams and businesses achieve outstanding results and reach their goals, regardless of circumstances and external conditions.

What you will learn as a result of this session:

  • The 4 stages of overcoming any set-back and turning it all around.
  • How to Transform your results, no matter what.
  • How to exert more ‘control’ than you ever thought possible.

The aim is that delegates not only feel inspired and motivated by a fresh perspective, but that they leave with practical and immediately usable tools to improve results and generate outstanding success.

Available: Virtually

Many people know what they want… but feel stuck about how to get there and feel ‘stuck’ in a quagmire of busy-ness, but unable to really get what they want from life.

This session is for those people who

  • are facing a change, at a crossroads or have hit a plateau in life, career, or business and want to step up to a new level and want to grow.
  • are coming out of some unexpected life event that has knocked them off track.
  • are experiencing overwhelm, stress, frustration.

This session will help you:

  • Simplify
  • Figure out what you want
  • Create an action plan of how to get it
  • Overcome barriers and hurdles that are holding you back

This session provides the mental bandwidth to plan your future, to shift from ‘reactive’ to ‘proactive’, and to be more confident in your future.

The aim is that delegates not only feel inspired and motivated by a fresh perspective, but that they leave with a suite of practical and immediately usable tools to improve their impact and generate outstanding success.

Available: Virtually

If you suffer from Imposter Syndrome, you are definitely not alone! It is estimated that over 70 percent of people do.

The reality is that to suffer Imposter Syndrome is certainly not unusual. It can, however, be very damaging, often crippling talent. And yet, once aware of it, there are so many ways to inoculate against its effects and overcome it.

In the current climate it is made worse for many in senior positions by a sense of the lack of certainty and control many managers and leaders are experiencing.

What you will learn as a result of this session:

  • How to identify Imposter Syndrome in yourself, and in others
  • A powerful reframe – a shift in perspective that will prevent it.
  • Specific psychological tools to equip you to overcome it.

The aim of this session is that delegates not only feel inspired and motivated by a fresh perspective, but that they leave with a suite of practical, and immediately usable tools to improve confidence, enhance professional performance, and lead to greater fulfilment and success.

Available: Virtually

Phil can also talk on his near-death experience (or as he calls it his “death experience” – there was no ‘near’ about it!) from a patient’s perspective and the transformational impact it had on his mental health, mindset, and overall approach to life.
The aim is that delegates not only feel inspired and motivated by a fresh perspective, but that they leave with a suite of practical, and immediately usable tools to improve results and generate outstanding success.

Available: Virtually

(This is typically for those in the age range 16-25).

What do you want to be?

As a young adult, it can be bewildering, scary, and challenging to be faced with an array of options and opportunities.

In the current climate this has been heightened when so much of what was previously taken for granted has been denied to young people… and the impact on mental health, decision-making, and connection with the world has been so damaging.

Many young adults come under increasing pressure to make significant choices in life based on exam results, external pressures, and career options in a rapidly changing world.
It’s no wonder they can find it a stressful time, and often feel their choices are limited.

Over 20+ years, Phil has coached individuals and teams in all walks of life and has distilled the ingredients of success into just a few core principles that anyone can use to reach personal fulfilment.

Phil speaks about how to carve out success and what really makes the big difference in achieving that success.

This session is packed with specific examples, and practical tips and ‘life hacks’ that any young adult can use immediately to become more focused, more positive about the future, and live a happier, more fulfilled and more successful life.

What you will learn as a result of this session:

  • How to get to your ‘Start Line’, regardless of where you are coming from.
  • The 9 reasons people don’t reach their full potential, and what to do about it.
  • The number one key factor in your success
Available: Virtually

Speaker Bureaus and Talent Agencies

Phil Olley is available to book via these agencies
Speakers Associates
Speaking Agency

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