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Peter Anderton

Discovery expert, high-performance team engineer, founder of Internal Alignment and keynote speaker


Gender: Male
Languages: English
Travels from: United Kingdom
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Biography Highlights

  • Peter Anderton is a Discovery Expert, Founder of Internal Alignment, High-Performance Team Engineer and TEDx speaker. He is also a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and Chartered Engineer.


About Peter Anderton

Peter is not a consultant, but a straight talking, no nonsense, high performance team engineer. His dynamic approach will unlock the secrets you need to boost results – and get your life back.

As the Founder of Internal Alignment, TEDx speaker, Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and a Chartered Engineer, Peter knows great leadership comes down to two things.

Always practical and engaging. Peter will immediately equip you and your leadership team to deliver better results in your organisation. His talks are designed for business leaders who need more change for a lot less effort. Really, he is that good.

With 15 years of experience in the speaker and training industry, Peter has a strong corporate background. He is also an expert in guiding people to re-evaluate and strip back the noise and complexity that has buried leadership over the last few years.

Peter has immersed his life in transformation, from the stories he read as a child to his habit of buying houses in ever increasing states of disrepair in order to restore and transform them.

A creator of events, masterclasses, programmes and reinventing companies and leaders worldwide, Peter has a unique connection working with many globally renowned and inspirational companies.

As a speaker, he is full of energy, challenging, insightful, refreshingly honest, open and direct. His keynote presentations will open your eyes and unlock the strategies and secrets every leaders needs to know.

Peter’s TEDx talk “Great leadership comes down to only two rules” has been incredibly well received – and is now being used in MBA programmes around the world. Why? Because what he does impacts real people, in real environments, to make real changes in the effectiveness and performance of their team. His dynamic approach will unlock the secrets your managers need to boost their teams, accelerate results and get their life back.


Popular Talks

What is it? Only 20% of the fuel in your petrol tank moves your car forward. The rest of it goes to waste through exhaust, friction and everything else. Barmy, isn’t it? What about your team? How much of their energy is moving forwards – and how much goes to waste? If you know your team could be more, if you know deep down you’re not making the most of YOUR team juice, this is the perfect place to step up their motivation – and yours. Who needs it?

If your audience see any of the challenges below in their teams or organisations, then Peter’s talks, packed with useful, practical nuggets that can be applied with immediate effect, provide exactly what they need to fix it. He can focus on some or all of them:

  1. Apathy – somehow problems end up as yours, not theirs
  2. Mediocrity – your team frequently deliver enough, but rarely more
  3. Exhausted – they could shine, if only they had the energy
  4. Indifference – too few love what they do, too many watch the clock
  5. Disservice – customers are often underwhelmed
  6. Carelessness – mistakes are being made and no-one seems to care
  7. Unfulfilled – it’s clear they’re not happy – but what do they need?
  8. Absent – what, again?
  9. Turnover – why is it always the best staff who move on whilst the bad ones stay?
  10. Unproductive – too much of what needs to get done today is carried over to tomorrow
  11. Disengaged – bad attitude rubs off and behaviour slides to the lowest common denominator
  12. Stagnant – things just don’t seem to get better
Available: Virtually

What is it? It stands for Connection, Potential and Reason. CPR is the beating heart of a high-performing team. We can call it leadership, but it’s so much more than that. Teams performing at their best, pulling together, and heading in the right direction are built upon it. Teams flagging, lacking connection and struggling with a mish-mash of goals are desperate for it. Of course, most teams are somewhere between the two, with too many falling a lot nearer the latter than they want to be.

Who needs it? If your audience identifies with any of the challenges below, then Peter’s talks provide the solution.. He can focus on one, a few or all of them:

  • Late – key projects fail to deliver on time
  • Unfocused – can’t agree on the most important goal
  • Siloed – primary focus is on own teams and agendas
  • Slow – actions are rarely completed on time
  • Spinning – problems are discussed but not solved
  • Passive – individuals frequently nod in agreement without truly agreeing
  • Unresolved conflict – has left ‘elephants in the room’ that are only discussed in private
  • Divided – there are factions within the team
  • Bored – team members find any excuse not to attend meetings
Available: Virtually

What is it? This session is not about collecting theories. It’s not about imitating other leaders. And it’s not about creating more work. The truth of leadership is being buried deeper and deeper under a complex assortment of models, theories and experts. Peter’s aim is to clear away the junk to reveal the ultimate truths of leadership. Truths that are sharp, powerful and simply waiting to be applied. Everything you need to know about leadership comes down to only two rules. The rest is just noise.

Who needs it? If your audience has one or more of the challenges below in their teams or organisations, then Peter’s talks provide exactly what they need to fix it. He can focus on some or all of them:

  • ‘Us and them’ – employees say ‘they’ more than ‘we’
  • Silos – good collaboration is hard to find
  • Same-ness – diverse perspectives are not valued
  • Office politics – people save what they really think for private ‘corridor’ conversations 5 Stuck – repeating the same mistakes
  • Negativity – too much energy is spent focusing on what is wrong
  • Lack of creativity – too few fresh ideas
  • ‘Checked out’ – employees are working without energy or passion
  • Ambiguous – expectations are vague, detached from the bigger picture, and everything is a priority 10 Poor role models – we have managers whose behaviour undermines core values
  • Rigid – too much resistance to change
  • Distrust – trust and confidence in management is low
Available: Virtually




Peter Anderton

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