Naomi Sesay
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About Naomi Sesay
Using over 25 years’ experience in television and media, Naomi Sesay has devoted her career to serving as a powerful advocate for diversity and inclusion, becoming a trail-blazer for social enterprise. She is currently Head of Creative Equity at Channel 4, and was previously a senior trainer for FTSE 100 Companies.
As a Diversity & Inclusion expert, Naomi has delivered training for an array of organisations including Google, Microsoft, NBC Universal, Harvard and WPP. Naomi is also leading the build for the very first female-centric, bio designed, sustainable smart city in Sierra Leone.
An inspiring and thought-provoking speaker, Naomi challenges audiences to examine their emotional, cultural and neurological habits with the aim to create a truly diverse workforce.
Hidden In Plain Sight – Diversity in Motion
Creating a truly diverse workforce is paramount. But, in our current environment change is slow, difficult work. Perhaps, now is the time to think of a smarter way. This thought provoking and inspirational keynote examines how the information we currently possess lock us into unconscious holding patterns. By interrogating our emotional, cultural and neurological habits, Naomi demystifies the sticking point of change, interactively shows examples of palpable connection and moves us into a new place of diverse thought and action.
The Future of Inclusive Leadership – Nuances, Quirks and Science
Is it possible to consciously push the dial of change toward diverse and inclusive leadership? Only if we understand the dial we push. This interactive talk reveals the powerful tools that leaders in the D&I space will need in order to make their teams and organisations effective, agile and precise. . We will examine the nuances of diversity, the importance of thought leadership, and how to utilise cutting-edge scientific theories around ways we can empathetically and powerfully lead a diverse cohort.
The Golden Thread
As a species, we are narrative beings, hardwired to connect with, learn from and understand the art of storytelling. We instinctively tune into stories that resonate or match our emotional state. Stories entice, enthral, inspire, warn, dictate and command, but the most powerful and universal stories are those which weave a thread of truth. This keynote examines the damaging effects of the stories we tell ourselves whilst re-imagining the art of storytelling, the building blocks of human connection, to explore powerful stories through the lens of Diversity and Inclusion which could change everything.