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Monica McCoy

Founder of Monica Motivates, Award-winning global speaker, Business Strategist, and Consultant


Gender: Female
Languages: English
Travels from: United States

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Biography Highlights

  • Monica provides the resources and knowledge required to strengthen company culture and scale businesses. Her trademarked programs have garnered international attention and most importantly have resulted in measurable success for participants who have launched, grown, and scaled their businesses.


Monica McCoy’s background

Fifteen years of corporate leadership experience as a strategy and innovation expert with The Coca-Cola Company led Monica McCoy to launch her own consultancy in 2017 — and in just six years grow Monica Motivates, LLC into a global business with offices in Atlanta, Birmingham, London and Melbourne.

Her global team is focused on closing the opportunity gap created by less access to education, key resources and funding for women and underrepresented people. She helps top companies develop high-potential talent and provides targeted training to prepare small business owners to realize expanding opportunities, including as diverse suppliers to major companies. The ultimate goal is economic inclusion and increased employee and supplier contributions that drive organization performance.

Her firm’s trademarked programs are mission driven — from an accelerator that connects urban businesses with self-starters in rural communities; to a partnership with Microsoft building opportunities for founders in the commercial real estate sector; Pitch University where entrepreneurs learn to tell their stories; the Annual Global Supplier Diversity Conference that brings big and small businesses together; and even her non-profit Pivot Purposefully that helps formerly incarcerated women found and grow businesses.

The energy, vision, expertise and optimism that create the strong results and impressive awards Monica Motivates is known for is immediately apparent when talking with Monica one-on-one, or when she’s addressing an audience of thousands from the stage. She is a force for change doing what she does best, and it shows.


Popular Talks

Ambitious, achievement-oriented people show up prepared and keep pushing to rise higher. But sometimes, no amount of focus, pushing, striving and achieving feels like enough. We can even become blind to the impressive growth and advancement those efforts have enabled us to realize.

When “limiting beliefs” and cognitive distortions (such as perfectionism and imposter phenomenon) take root, it can lead to constantly worrying if you are smart enough, prepared enough, experienced enough and ready to tackle the next thing. That can be especially true for women and people of color who are often more intensely scrutinized in the workplace.

But, when you learn how to build your mental and emotional skills, along with your technical expertise, you can interrupt these ingrained and destructive patterns. In this session, you will get ready to tackle new challenges, thrive under pressure, make good use of constructive criticism, and demonstrate the competence and confidence of a true leader. Even in the face of setbacks, you’ll know you have what it takes to bounce back and pursue your personal best.

Available: Virtually

Despite the great strides women have made at work, the surprising truth is that significant obstacles continue to dampen their progress. Even women themselves don’t always recognize how prevalent the subtle barriers to advancement remain.

Too often, they conclude there’s something wrong with them or that it’s all in their heads when workplaces punish them for many of the same behaviors that win men accolades. But the consequences to their careers are real – less mentoring and sponsorship, fewer promotions, lower tolerance for mistakes, ongoing microaggressions, questioning of their authority and expertise, double standards and double binds. The obstacles are even greater for women of color.

During this keynote, Monica McCoy gives professional women the straight story on harmful practices that can slow, or even derail, advancement in corporate environments or in founding, funding and growing your own business. McCoy’s message is clear and inspiring – we know what works to help women break through, we just need to share the message with more women!

Available: Virtually

To communicate with power and purpose, you must be able to share ideas in ways that prompt others to recognize your value and act on your insights and influence. The fact that everything communicates means there are myriad opportunities every day to demonstrate your value, but a few pitfalls too.

The concept of professional image can mistakenly conjure ideas of presenting a false self or someone obsessed with how things look rather than with substance. But really, your professional image is all about how you show up. It’s a highly valuable asset that plays a critical role in determining which doors open for you. And the ability to communicate powerfully and effectively grows in importance with every step of career advancement.

Your image reflects your personal brand and people “buy” brands they respect, value and trust. That’s why Monica advocates treating your personal brand like a Fortune 100 company. That means thinking intentionally about what you want your brand to stand for and building a robust strategy to bring that concept to life. It also requires seeking and accepting candid feedback to uncover any disconnects between how you see yourself and how others see you.

In this session, Monica is like an executive coach sharing candid advice with audience members and revealing the elements of personal branding and executive presence that are prerequisites to being seen as capable, confident and ready to lead

Available: Virtually

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