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Mary Schapiro

Vice Chair for Public Policy and Special Advisor to the Founder and Chairman, Bloomberg LP


Gender: Female
Nationality: United States
Languages: English
Travels from: United States

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Biography Highlights

  • First Female Chair of the SEC: Led the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (2009-2012), restoring investor confidence post-financial crisis.
  • Experienced Financial Regulator: Former Chair and CEO of FINRA, with a four-decade career focused on financial market stability and investor protection.
  • Global Corporate Leader: Currently Vice Chair of Global Public Policy at Bloomberg L.P. and a key figure in the Global Financial Markets Association.


Widely regarded as one of the most powerful regulators—and reformers—in U.S. history, Mary L. Schapiro provides an insider’s look at what it took to revitalize the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and why robust corporate governance, effective regulation and enforcement are critical to the future health of the U.S. and global economy. Assuming the helm of the SEC during a tumultuous time in the wake of the 2008-2009 financial crisis, Schapiro moved aggressively and swiftly to restructure, reform and significantly bolster the agency’s enforcement and regulatory processes and capabilities. She led the SEC to a record 735 enforcement actions in 2011 and 734 in 2012. She created a new tips database and whistleblower office obtaining more than $11 billion in ordered disgorgements and penalties and prosecuted the largest insider trading scheme ever discovered. Prior to her role at the SEC, she served as head of regulation at the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), where she oversaw its merger with the regulatory body of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), forming the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), where she served as CEO. The only person to have led all three of the major national overseers of Wall Street—the SEC, FINRA and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission—Schapiro was named to Forbes’ Most Powerful Women of 2012 list. She has also served on the board of directors for Duke Energy and Kraft Foods. A role model to many, Schapiro offers audiences her unparalleled perspectives on financial regulation, enforcement policy, corporate governance and leadership in the face of today’s challenging economic times. Schapiro is currently vice chairman of the Advisory Board at Promontory Financial Group, a board and risk committee member, at General Electric, vice chair of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and a member of several non-profit boards.


Media, podcast appearances and interviews

Popular Talks

In an engaging moderated question-and-answer session, Mary Schapiro shares with audiences her unparalleled perspective on financial regulation, enforcement policy and leadership and the critical roles they play in the future health of the U.S. and global economy. Audiences are invited into the discussion for an insightful and thought-provoking look at the many issues facing corporate boards and the financial services industry.

Available: In person, Virtually



Mary Schapiro

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