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Juan Campoo

Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Award-winning Coach, Amazon Best-Selling Author, TEDx Speaker


Gender: Male
Languages: Dutch, English, Spanish
Travels from: Netherlands
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Biography Highlights

Juan Campoo is a TEDx Speaker, award-winning coach, and Amazon Best-Selling author who has worked with prestigious European training and consulting firms, helping over ten thousand people through his programs. Known for his ‘Mind Canvas’ method, he empowers individuals to take control of their psychology, enhancing well-being and performance.


About Juan Campoo

Over a decade ago, Juan was a rising professional in the corporate world, and he seemed to have it all, yet his health told a different story. Having flirted with burnout and depression, he learned firsthand how vulnerable and fragile we can be.

These experiences led him on a journey to learn the secrets of the body and mind, and to study how that all plays out in the workplace. Eight years into this journey, with more than a dozen certifications in mindset and behavior change under his belt, and after working with some of the most prestigious training and consulting firms in Europe on things like communication, influence, leadership, culture, and wellbeing—Juan came to a realization:

We live in complex times and move toward ever more ambiguous futures,
with mindsets we developed in the past.


So Juan asked himself a question:

How can we accelerate Inner Development so people can show sustainable impact in life and at work?

This led him to develop and refine a revolutionary method that makes psychology simple and intuitive, helping people leverage their brain’s ability to learn and change (neuroplasticity): The Mind CanvasTM. It kick-starts and accelerates Emotional Intelligence, empowering well-being and contribution for individuals, teams, and organizations.

The Mind Canvas soon became an Amazon-Best Selling book, led to a TEDx talk with +10K views, and was the basis for some groundbreaking transformational work with leaders around the world, granting Juan an award as Best Wellbeing Coach 2023 by CoachAwards.

Born in Argentina and now a resident of The Netherlands, Juan is a devoted father and husband, on a mission to empower people and organizations to unleash their potential for well-being and positive impact.



A revolutionary inside-out approach that empowers your people to bring their best selves to work every day. Through insightful stories, immersive engagement, and the power of the Mind CanvasTM model to make psychology simple and intuitive, Juan creates a transformative experience that will inspire your audience to be co-creators of a thriving culture.


  • How Emotional Intelligence is the most important skill set in life and work.
  • The mindset shift that unleashes it, and 3 transformative daily rituals that accelerate it.
  • How to use the Mind CanvasTM model to take control of their emotional well-being and impact.


  • An expanded understanding of themselves and others, that fosters empathy & collaboration.
  • The willingness and ability to own their inner development (emotional intelligence) and wellbeing.
  • An instantly applicable plan to start seeing and feeling the benefits in their daily life and work.

FORMAT: Available as keynote and workshop, both in person and online.

Available: Virtually

A revolutionary inside-out approach that empowers leaders to become the reason why people stay and give their best. Through insightful stories, immersive engagement, and the power of the Mind CanvasTM model to make psychology simple and intuitive, Juan creates a transformative experience that will accelerate your leaders’ inner development (emotional intelligence).


  • How Emotional Intelligence is the most important skill set in life, work, and leadership.
  • The mindset shift that unleashes it, and 3 transformative daily rituals that accelerate it.
  • How to use the Mind CanvasTM model to master their well-being, influence, and impact.


  • A new view on people that increases psychological safety, engagement & contribution.
  • The willingness and ability to own their inner development, well-being, and impact on others.
  • An instantly applicable plan to start seeing and feeling the benefits in their daily life and work.

FORMAT: Available as keynote and workshop, both in person and online.

Available: Virtually


The Mind Canvas: A Revolutionary Approach to Personal Mastery

What if you could master your thoughts and emotions? For millennia, sages from ancient civilizations all around the world have been telling us to pay attention to our minds, as it is the source of both our happiness and our suffering. So you want to master your mind. You want to put it to work for you, instead of against you. The problem is that learning self-mastery can be a long and difficult process, and we prefer things to be fast and simple. So what we really need is a simple, intuitive way to understand our minds and master ourselves; for when we do, we can then master our lives. In this book, mindset expert Juan Campoo unveils the Mind Canvas model for personal mastery: an intuitive, visual, user-friendly interface to your mind. The Mind Canvas is a visual metaphor for how your mind works, giving you insight into what you do with your mind at any time, how you put yourself in limiting emotional states, and how you can shift into more self-empowering perspectives and thought patterns that allow you to take empowered action in your life. This approach is revolutionizing personal development and gives you back the power over your own psychology. After reading the Mind Canvas, you will be able to heal your past, deeply enjoy the present, and be the active creator of a bright future. You will never see your mind, yourself, and life the same way again. The book includes an insightful self-assessment to discover how well you are using your mind’s potential for emotional freedom and personal power.

Speaker Bureaus and Talent Agencies

Juan Campoo is available to book via these agencies
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The Mind Canvas: A Revolutionary Approach to Personal Mastery

What if you could master your thoughts and emotions? For millennia, sages from ancient civilizations all around the world have been telling us to pay attention to our minds, as it is the source of both our happiness and our suffering. So you want to master your mind. You want to put it to work for you, instead of against you. The problem is that learning self-mastery can be a long and difficult process, and we prefer things to be fast and simple. So what we really need is a simple, intuitive way to understand our minds and master ourselves; for when we do, we can then master our lives. In this book, mindset expert Juan Campoo unveils the Mind Canvas model for personal mastery: an intuitive, visual, user-friendly interface to your mind. The Mind Canvas is a visual metaphor for how your mind works, giving you insight into what you do with your mind at any time, how you put yourself in limiting emotional states, and how you can shift into more self-empowering perspectives and thought patterns that allow you to take empowered action in your life. This approach is revolutionizing personal development and gives you back the power over your own psychology. After reading the Mind Canvas, you will be able to heal your past, deeply enjoy the present, and be the active creator of a bright future. You will never see your mind, yourself, and life the same way again. The book includes an insightful self-assessment to discover how well you are using your mind’s potential for emotional freedom and personal power.