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Inma Martinez

Digital Pioneer and AI Scientist.


Gender: Female
Languages: English
Travels from: United Kingdom

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Biography Highlights

  • Member of the Expert Group at The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), an OECD and G7 initiative for AI, Inma Martinez advises leaders in business and government on how to turn digital transformation into competitive advantage and contribute to societal progress.


Inma Martinez’s Background

Progressing her previous careers in investment banking and telecommunications towards technology entrepreneurship, she is recognised worldwide as one of the leading entrepreneurs who pioneered the creating and emergence of digital technologies like the mobile internet, music and video streaming, the connected car and smart living. Her unique experience has allowed her to become one of the most sought-after experts in forecasting digital disruptions and revealing the potentiality of A.I. and other transformative technologies.

Since 2001 Inma has provided expert testimonies across various technology boards at the European Union. She has combined her career in innovation with prestigious government appointments in the United Kingdom (at the Trade & Investment agency and at the Innovation Fund of the Department of Sport, Media and Culture) and Spain (State Secretariat for Artificial Intelligence at the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation). She has also advised the Malaysian government’s Sarawak Centre of Performance Excellence on digital transformation strategies for both civil society and government-owned businesses. In March 2021 she was appointed to the GPAI’s Innovation and Commercialisation of A.I. Task Group.

For over ten years she has committed her time to education at various business schools (Imperial College London, University College London, and the University of Loyola Spain) and to the mentorship of innovation at venture-focused acceleration programmes.

She has written two books: “The Future of the Automotive Industry” (June 2021) and “The Fifth Industrial Revolution: How Space Commercialisation will derive the Biggest Industrial Expansion of the 21st Century”. Both books focus on digital transformation and radical business models that are paving the way to a new concept of progress, competitive attributes and stakeholders’ values.

FORTUNE and TIME have described her as one of Europe’s top talents in social engagement through technology and FastCompany labelled her a “firestarter”. She was voted the “Best contributor to the formation of strategy” in the section “Driving the Future of Europe’s Digital Economy” at Bloomberg BusinessWeek’s European Leadership Forum: Charting the Economic Future of Europe, a conference for CEOs and government officials.


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The Future of the Automotive Industry

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The Future of the Automotive Industry

Business & Entrepreneurship

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