Andrew Bryant

The Self-leadership Authority


Gender: Male
Languages: English
Travels from: Portugal


Speakers FAQ

Biography Highlights

  • Andrew Bryant speaks on being human and increasing ownership, responsibility, and accountability for accelerated results in a post-pandemic and digital world.





If you don’t deliver results, you will fail; but if you attempt to deliver results at the cost of your or your employee’s psychological safety, you will eventually fail.

Andrew Bryant wrote ‘The New Leadership Playbook: Being Human Whilst Successfully Delivering Accelerated Results’ to address this challenge.

The book informs the speech and contains seven leadership principles and twelve leadership plays (conversations) that address today’s leadership challenges.

This engaging keynote, which will be tailored to the audience, contains Andrew’s Leadership Accelerator model that allows participants to immediately see their roadblocks to results, and how to overcome them.

The Audience will Learn

  • Self-leadership means accepting responsibility for your results. You don’t blame other people and you don’t make excuses. This can be challenging during times of uncertainty; however, a self-leader sees options and grasps opportunities when others are waiting to be rescued.
  • We are born into a frame of mind that is reinforced by our early experiences, and education. Unless we become aware of these frames of mind and take ownership, we will be destined to firefighting one issue after another until we are exhausted.
  • You can’t lead others unless you first lead yourself. As you increase your self-awareness and embrace self-learning and self-regulation you will get results.
  • There is a formula, and that formula is that Clear Expectations X Mindset & Motivation X Right Behaviors = Accelerated Results.

The speech ends with an inspiring call to action.

Available: Virtually

Programmes & Workshops

Imagine all leaders and managers working from the same playbook, guided by principles, and having conversations that inspire accelerated results. Starting with the Executive Leadership Team, and cascading through the leadership levels of your company, this unique and wholistic program can be customized with the following: A kickoff speech or webinar Facilitation for the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) Coaching 1-to-1 with key members of the ELT Workshops for managers focusing on 7 leadership principles, and 12 conversations (plays) Video series for each of the plays, to be hosted by us or on your own LMS A Copy of the New Leadership Playbook for each manager Optional train-the-trainer program

Available: Virtually



The New Leadership Playbook: Being Human whilst Succesfully Delivering Accelerated Results

Being an effective leader or manager in a post-pandemic world goes beyond being good at what you do; it requires balancing empathy with accountability. The New Leadership Playbook provides a practical guide to being human and understanding people, whilst simultaneously driving for accelerated results. It does this by sharing principles that work, and plays to achieve success. Written for the new or seasoned manager by a coach and c-suite advisor who has worked with some of the best leaders and teams, this is a book that you will not only read more than once; you will want each of your team to read it.

Self Leadership: 12 Powerful Mindsets & Methods to Win in Life & Business

Get greater control of your life and career with this easy-to-read, and yet profound handbook. Explore your Self-awareness, expand your Self-Confidence, and build your Self-Efficacy, while you learn to set your intention for greater influence and impact. The author is a Global Expert on Self Leadership & Leading Cultures and has coached everyone from at-risk teenagers to Fortune 500 CEOs.

Self-Leadership: How to Become a More Successful, Efficient, and Effective Leader from the Inside Out

Lead yourself to success—and others are sure to follow “For leaders looking for a plan of ‘Why What, and How’ to become a better leader, the answer is between the covers of this book.” —Chester Elton, New York Times bestselling author of The Carrot Principle, The Orange Revolution, and All In “Ever wish you could be more confident, more engaged, or more productive in your life? Look no further. All the concepts and tools are right here.” —Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D., Psychologist and Education Director, VIA Institute on Character “Self-reliance, courage, confidence, emotional self-awareness, and perseverance encompassed into one leadership concept.” —Garee W. Earnest, Ph.D., Professor, The Ohio State University “Bryant and Kazan’s groundbreaking work challenges us to take the first small steps of what will be for many a lifelong journey of self-discovery from the inside out.” —R. Dale Safrit, Ed.D., Professor, North Carolina State University

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The New Leadership Playbook: Being Human whilst Succesfully Delivering Accelerated Results

Business, Business & Entrepreneurship, Careers
Being an effective leader or manager in a post-pandemic world goes beyond being good at what you do; it requires balancing empathy with accountability. The New Leadership Playbook provides a practical guide to being human and understanding people, whilst simultaneously driving for accelerated results. It does this by sharing principles that work, and plays to achieve success. Written for the new or seasoned manager by a coach and c-suite advisor who has worked with some of the best leaders and teams, this is a book that you will not only read more than once; you will want each of your team to read it.