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Alan Simpson

Co-founder, the Campaign to Fix the Debt; Former Co-chair, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (2010) and Respected Republican Leader

Alex Castellanos

Political Analyst and Commentator

Andrew Card

White House Chief of Staff (2001-2006)

Andy Karsner

Corporate Innovation Strategist; Senior Strategist, X; Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy; Precourt Energy Scholar, Stanford University

Asa Hutchinson

Former Governor of Arkansas

Bill Bradley

Former U.S. Senator, Olympian, NBA Hall of Famer and Best-Selling Author

Bill Press

Senior Political Contributor, CNN; Syndicated Political Talk Show Host, Columnist and Best-Selling Author

Bob Woodruff

Anchor and Reporter ABC News and Best Selling Co-Author

Bobby Jindal

Governor of Louisiana (2008-2016)

Bret Baier

FOX News Chief Political Anchor and Anchor, Special Report with Bret Baier

Chris Christie

55th Governor of New Jersey

Claire McCaskill

U.S. Senator (2007-2018)

Condoleezza Rice

66th Secretary of State

Dan Coats

Director of National Intelligence (2017– 2019), Ambassador, and Politician

David Gregory

Renowned Journalist; Former Moderator, NBC's Meet the Press; Political Analyst, CNN

David Petraeus

Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Donald Kohn

Vice Chairman, The Federal Reserve System (2006-2010)

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Presidential Historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning Author

Erskine Bowles

Co-founder, the Campaign to Fix the Debt; Former Co-chair, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (2010); President Emeritus, University of North Carolina; Former White House Chief of Staff and Former Administrator, Small Business Administration

Frances Townsend

National Security Analyst, CBS News; Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (2004-2008)

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