Looking for a keynote speaker for your conference or event? A motivational, leadership or innovation speaker? Or a panelist or moderator? Start here.

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Andy Karsner

Corporate Innovation Strategist; Senior Strategist, X; Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy; Precourt Energy Scholar, Stanford University

Annie Lush

Four times world champion, Olympian and round-the-world sailor

George W. Bush

43rd President of the United States and Founder of the George W. Bush Presidential Center

Howard Yu

​One of The World’s Top 40 Business Professors Under 40

Nilofer Merchant

Digital and future thinker – go-getting go-to advisor – grows companies

Ozan Varol

Rocket Scientist turned Professor, #1 Bestselling Author, and Expert on Innovation and Creativity

Aaron Dignan

Author, digital strategist and co-founder of Undercurrent

Aaron Ross

Sales keynote speaker, business growth expert and bestselling author of Predictable Revenue

Abdullah Gul

Former president of the Republic of Turkey

Adam Tuffnell

A round-the-world yachtist, expert in leadership and teamwork and trainer

Ade McCormack

Near futurist, keynote speaker, author and advisor on digital matters

Adrian Gostick

Bestselling leadership author, organizational culture expert

Adrian Hayes

Author, record-breaking adventurer, business coach, campaigner and keynote speaker

Alan Shearer

Lead analyst on the BBC’s flagship football programme Match of the Day and on the Premier League’s global channel

Alex Osterwalder

Co-founder of Strategyzer, entrepreneur, speaker and business model innovator

Alex Rovira

Successful author and entrepreneur

Allan Leighton

Highly successful businessman, down-to-earth leadership style, CEO of Asda and Royal Mail

Amy Bradley

Professor, writer and speaker

Amy Edmondson

Novartis Professor of Leadership & Management at Harvard Business School

Anders Dahlvig

Former chief executive & president of The IKEA Group

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