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Andy Karsner

Corporate Innovation Strategist; Senior Strategist, X; Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy; Precourt Energy Scholar, Stanford University

Aneesh Chopra

Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. (2009-2012); President, CareJourney

Bruce Dickinson

A Motivational Speaker who inspires audiences worldwide.

Ethan Mollick

Innovation Expert and Artificial Intelligence Thought Leader; Professor of Entrepreneurship, The Wharton School

George Blankenship

Former Executive at Tesla Motors, Apple Computer and GAP Inc.

Howard Yu

​One of The World’s Top 40 Business Professors Under 40

Hubert Joly

Former Chairman and CEO of Best Buy; Author, The Heart of Business - Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism; Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School

Jeff Immelt

Chairman and CEO, General Electric (2001–2017)

Jeff Koons

Renowned Contemporary Artist & Sculptor

Jeff Mauro

Chef and TV Personality

Jim McNerney

Chairman, President and CEO, The Boeing Company (2005–2016); Chairman and CEO, 3M (2000–2005)

Jonathan Reichental

Human Future founder and CEO, educator, mentor, author, and a former CIO for the City of Palo Alto

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Award-Winning Actor and Entrepreneur Championing Creative Collaboration

Joseph Lubin

Founder and CEO, ConsenSys - a blockchain venture studio

Kardea Brown

Chef and TV Personality

Keith Alexander

Founder, Chairman, Co-CEO, IronNet Cybersecurity; Commander, U.S. Cyber Command (2010-2014) and Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service (2005-2014)

Kevin Griffin

Singer, Songwriter, and Producer Known as the Frontman for Better Than Ezra

Kevin Hart

Superstar Comedian & Actor

Kim Scott

NYT & WSJ Bestselling Author, 'Radical Candor' & 'Radical Respect'

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