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Adam Grant

Organizational Psychologist, The Wharton School of Business; Bestselling Author; Host: WorkLife, a TED Original Podcast

Alan Simpson

Co-founder, the Campaign to Fix the Debt; Former Co-chair, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (2010) and Respected Republican Leader

Alex Castellanos

Political Analyst and Commentator

Alexi Pappas

Olympic Athlete; Bestselling Author; Award-winning Filmmaker

Andrew Card

White House Chief of Staff (2001-2006)

Andy Karsner

Corporate Innovation Strategist; Senior Strategist, X; Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy; Precourt Energy Scholar, Stanford University

Andy Milligan

Founding Partner, The Caffeine Partnership: Uniting Brands, Customers, and Employees

Aneesh Chopra

Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. (2009-2012); President, CareJourney

Ann Rhoades

Founding Executive Vice President of People, JetBlue Airways; President, People Ink and Best-Selling Author

Beatrice Kabutakapua

Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua is a Business Storytelling Coach who takes the business of stories to companies to increase employee engagement and develop leaders

Bill Bradley

Former U.S. Senator, Olympian, NBA Hall of Famer and Best-Selling Author

Bonnie St. John

Paralympic Ski Medalist, Fortune 500 Business Consultant, Rhodes Scholar, Former White House Official and Best-Selling Author

Bruce Dickinson

A Motivational Speaker who inspires audiences worldwide.

Christine Todd Whitman

EPA Administrator (2001-2003) and Former New Jersey Governor

Claire McCaskill

U.S. Senator (2007-2018)

Claire Shipman

Women's Leadership Expert; Longtime Television News Reporter; and New York Times Best-Selling Author

Dan Coats

Director of National Intelligence (2017– 2019), Ambassador, and Politician

Daniel Pink

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of The Power of Regret, When, To Sell is Human, Drive, and A Whole New Mind

Daniel Shapiro

World Renowned Harvard expert and bestselling author on collaboration, communication and teamwork

David Malpass

President of World Bank (2019-2023), Senior U.S. Treasury and State Official, Leading Wall Street Analyst, Economic Columnist

David Petraeus

Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency